| ![]() MIL-R-25410G
The regulator shall pass the requirements specified in 3.6.1. Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall be
conducted at sea level , then in increments of 5000 feet up to and including
27,000 feet. Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection
shall be conducted at sea level utilizing flows of 30, 50 and 80 lpm and at
27,000 feet altitude utilizing a flow of 135 lpm, with the inlet pressure
to regulator as indicated in 4.7.5.
4.8.3 Oxygen ratio. The regulator shall be connected to a pressure
source pRovidng an inlet pressure to the regulator as indicated in 4.7.5.
the oxygen-ratio shall be measured as specified in with the diluter
lever in the "Normal Oxygen" position. Under these conditions, the regulator
shall be subjected to the flows and altitudes specified in Table II. The
test procedure shall then be repeated utilizing the regulators maximum
pressure. The oxygen-ratio shall be as specified in 3.6.2. Quality conformance inspections. Quality conformance
inspections shall be conducted in accordance with test procedure specified
in the oxygen-ratio test, utilizing only the inlet pressure to the regulator
indicated in 4.7.5.
Pressure breathing characteristics. The regulator shall be
connected to a pressure source providing an inlet pressure to the regulator
as indicated in 4.7.5. The supply valve shall be placed in the "on" position
and the diluter lever placed in the "Normal Oxygen position. Under these
conditions, the regulator shall be subjected to the flows and altitudes
specified in Table II. This test procedure shall be repeated with the
diluter level placed in the "100% Oxygen" positjon. These tests shall be
repeated utilizing the regulator's maximum pressure. The outlet pressure for
the regulator shall be as specified in 3.6.3, when measured as specified in Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection
shall be condcted in accordance with test procedure specified in the
pressure-breathing characteristics tests, utilizing only "Normal Oxygen"
position at the pressure to the regulator indicated in 4.7.5.
4.8.5 Relief valve. This test shall be performed with the supply
valve toggle in the "off" position; the diluter lever in the "100% Oxygen"
position; and the positive pressure lever set in the "Normal" position.
An increasing pressure shall be applied to the outlet of the regulator to
maintain a flow of 45 lpm for a period of 30 seconds out of the relief port
and the pressure to provide the flow shall be recorded. At no time shall
the pressure be applied to the outlet to maintain the 45 lpm flow exceed
40.7 inches of water pressure. The relief valve shall then be subjected to
a pressure of 17 inches of water pressure and the pressure maintained for a
period of 30 seconds to determine any leakage. when tested in this manner,
the regulator shall pass the requirements of 3.6.4.
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