| ![]() MIL-R-45012E
4 . 5 . 7 . 2 . 2 . 4 If the average FM of the 6 targets is less than the
m a x i m u m acceptance requirement for 6 targets, accept the rifle; if the
average FM is greater than the maximum rejection requirement for 6
targets, reject the rifle.
4 . 5 . 7 . 2 . 2 . 5 Example of use of sequential sampling plan.
( a ) Test results of ammunition fired in the 100 process
qualification rifles:
0.67 inches
R = 20.6%
(b) From the value R = 20.6%, the nearest plan numerically
w o u l d be the plan identified with R = 20%.
(c) Using this plan and using the FM = 3.25 inches, the fol-
l o w i n g accuracy requirements are obtained when reading vertically to
t h e intersection of the maximum criteria curves:
3.1 inches
acceptance criteria for 1st 10-shot target
5.4 inches
rejection criteria for 1st 10-shot target
3.4 inches
acceptance criteria for average of three
4.8 inches
rejection criteria for average of three
4.1 inches
acceptance criteria for average of six
4 . 5 . 7 . 3 The first target fired for accuracy for each individual
r i f l e shall be used to determine if the targeting requirement has been
m e t (see T h e front sight shall not be filed or bent but it
may be moved as necessary to bring all of the shots within the targeting
area specified in Drawing C1168642 provided that it does not overhang
the tenon on the flash suppressor. I f all shots cannot be brought into
t h e targeting area without the front sight overhanging the tenon of the
flash suppressor the rifle shall be rejected. If rifles are acceptable,
t h e front sight shall-be locked in place by the screw and the rear sight
elevating knob shall be set at the 100-meter graduation mark with the
(For each 0.008
a p e r a t u r e elevated 8 clicks from the lowest position.
i n c h lateral movement of tine front sight, the point of aim will change
1 . 0 inch at 100 yards.)
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