| ![]() MIL-R-45979
3 . 2 . 1 5 . 2 Rear sight assembly. The windage knob and the elevating
k n o b shall function without binding through their full range of travel,
a n d shall produce positive retention perceptible by touch for each detent
n o t c h when the sight is adjusted manually. The aperture shall function
in the base without binding, and the rear sight cover shall bear on the
a p e r t u r e when the elevation knob is rotated manually. The aperture,
when raised to the 600-meter position shall not have any perceptible
looseness when pressure is applied in a horizontal plane along the
windage axis. When the aperture is in a vertical plane away from the
r i f l e , the spring tension of the cover shall return the aperture to its
o r i g i n a l p o s i t i o n . The eyepiece shall rotate manually on the aperture
3 6 0 degrees without binding, and shall produce positive retention per-
ceptible by touch for each 180 degrees of rotation. The windage knob
s h a l l fit in the base without perceptible backlash.
3 . 2 . 1 6 Stock assembly.
3 . 2 . 1 6 . 1 Plate assembly with shoulder rest. The plate assembly
w i t h shoulder rest shall be fastened securely to the stock by the butt
screws with no overhanging metal. T h e butt plate cap shall be retained
i n the open position by the action of the butt plate plunger and spring,
and shall be retained in the closed and locked position by the plunger
operated catch. The shoulder rest plate shall be retained in the open
o r closed position by the action of the ball and the lock spring.
stock shall have access through the butt plate to the accessory holes.
The holes shall accept the go-gage depicted on Drawing B7271641.
3 . 2 . 1 6 . 2 S t o c k s . T h e grain in the wood stocks shall be straight,
L i g h t streaks in
a n d in the longitudinal direction of the component.
the wood shall be treated to blend with the remainder of the component
to produce a uniform color. Patching of stocks shall not be allowed,
e x c e p t that filling of small pin holes not exceeding 0.06 inch in dia-
m e t e r will be allowed in the receiver well area from the centerline of
the stock liner screw holes back toward the butt end 5.0 1.0 inches,
and forward from the centerline of the stock liner screw holes 6.0
1 . 0 inches.
3 . 2 . 1 6 . 3 Stock ferrule and stock liner
assembly. The stock ferrule
shall be securely assembled to the stock in
accordance with the appli-
cable drawing, and the stock liner assembly
shall be securely fastened to
the stock by the screws. There shall be no
relative movement of these
3 . 2 . 1 6 . 4 Receiver and stock clearance. The clearance between the
receiver rails and stock bedding surface shall be as depicted on Drawing
F1101O262, Section C-C.
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