| ![]() MIL-R-45979
Reports of the raw material producer's chemical,
mechanical and physical analyses,
f . A statement, as follows, certifying that material
m e e t s all requirements of the contract.
" T h e undersigned individually, and as the authorized
r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of the contractor, warrants and
r e p r e s e n t s that: A l l of the information supplied
above is true and accurate; the material covered by
t h i s certificate conforms to all contract requirements
( i n c l u d i n g but not limited to the drawings and
s p e c i f i c a t i o n s ) ; the inspection and test results,
and the analyses appearing herein are true and
a c c u r a t e ; and this certificate is made for the purpose
of inducing payment and with knowledge that the in-
formation and certification may be used as a basis for
Signature and title of certifying official.
4 . 5 . 4 . 2 Certificate of conformance (COC). A Certificate of Con-
formance (COC) is required for Military standard and commercial items
( s e e 4.2.1 and When a Certified Test Report (CTR) is NOT re-
quired for material and process specification requirements, a COC,
s u p p o r t e d by inspection and test data, material analyses or certification
from the raw material producer or processor, shall be made available to
the Government for specifications covering raw material and processes.
The contractor shall make the COC available to the Government prior to
or with the request to perform acceptance inspection approval by the
Government. T h i s is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any rights of
the Government under this contract or law. A COC may be used as an
element incident to, but shall not be used as the sole basis for, Govern-
ment acceptance of contract item(s). As a minimum, the COC shall contain
t h e following:
Name of company and date.
C o n t r a c t number or purchase order number, national
stock number, and drawing number,
c. Complete nomenclature of supplies together with
l o t number or other identification. The quantity
in each lot or shipment shall be given.
d . A statement, as follows, certifying that material
m e e t s all requirements of the contract:
" T h e undersigned individually, and as the authorized
r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of the contractor, warrants and repre-
s e n t s that: A l l of the information supplied above is
true and accurate; the material covered by this
c e r t i f i c a t e conforms to all contract requirements
(including but not 1 imited to the drawings and speci-
f i c a t i o n s ) ; the analyses appearing herein are true
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