| ![]() MIL-P-48577(MU)
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and packaging data sheets
required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions
should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the con-
tracting officer.)
3.1 Fabrication.- The Regulator shall be manufactured in accordance
with Drawing F11747171 and all drawings pertaining thereto.
3.2 General specification.- The contractor shall be responsible for
adherence to and compliance with the following requirements of Specification
Order of precedence
Dimensions and tolerances
Inorganic protective surface finishes
Part identification and marking
3.3 Performance-Environmental.- Specified ambient temperature ex-
tremes shall be within 5F. The Regulator shall show no evidence of
damage after exposure to the following environments.
3.3.1 Storage temperatures.- The Regulator shall meet the require-
ments of 3.4 at ambient temperature + 75 15F after exposure and thermal
stabilization at -80F and +160P.
3.3.2 Operating temperatures.- Unless otherwise specified, the
Regulator shall meet the. requirements of 3.4 while exposed to and thermally
stabilized at -40F and +125F, subsequent to which it shall meet the
above requirements at ambient temperatures +75 15F.
3.3.3 Shock.- The Regulator shall meet the requirements of 3.4 after
being subjected to cumulative shocks consisting of 3 each at 120 G's and
50 G's applied in each direction along each of three mutually perpendicular
axes. The shock pulse shall have a wave form of approximately a half sine
wave. For 120 G's 10%, the shock pulse shall have a time duration of
3 .2 nilliseconds; for 50 G's 10% the shock pulse shall have a time
duration of 18 3 milliseconds.
3.3.4 Vibration "A".- The Regulator shall meet the requirements of
3.4 after being vibrated sinusoidally along each of three mutually perpend-
icular axes as follows:
(a) At a frequency of 5 cycles per second (cps) increase
acceleration linearly from 0 to .65 G 's (peak).
(b) At a frequency of 5 to 9 cycles per second (cps) increase
acceleration linearly from .65 to 1.5 G's (peak),
(c) At a frequency of 9 to 500 cycles per second (cps) at a
constant acceleration of 1.5 G's (peak).
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