| ![]() MIL-R-48577(MU)
(d) At a frequency of 500 cycles per second (cps) decrease
acceleration linearly from 1.5 to O G's (peak).
The frequency of applied vibration shall be swept logarithmically in
18 min 1 minute sweep cycles for a total of two hours per axis.
3.3.5 Vibration "B".- The Regulator shall meet the requirements
of 3.4 after being vibrated in a vertical plane at a constant frequency
of 30 cycles per second (CPS) with an amplitude of 1/16 inch (1/8 inch
total excursion) for a period of 5 minutes plus or minus 15 seconds.
3.4 Performance-Operational.- The Regulator assembly shall meet
the following requirements with loads applied as shown in figure 1 and
energized with direct current (de) electrical potential from 18.0 to 30.0
volts. NOTE: all pin numbers refer to connector MS24006-3.
3.4.1 Polarization of input terminal.- The regulator input terminal
shall be polarized positive pin Pi-D with respect to the Regulator pin
P1-F, which shall be negative and considered as electrical circuit ground.
3.4.2 Polarization of output terminal.- The regulator output
terminal pin PI-B shall deliver an electrical potential of positive polarity
with respect to the electrical circuit ground.
3.4.3 Reverse polarity.- The regulator shall not be damaged by the
application of electrical potentials of 3.4 in reverse polarity.
3.4.4 Intermittent operation- The regulator shall meet the following
requirements after being subjected to one hour of intermittent operation
consisting of a continuously repetitive 30 second ON and 30 second OFF
cycle at an ambient temperature of +75 15F. Input voltage surge.- The regulator shall show no evidence
of damage and the output voltage shall remain within 2.0 to 3.0 volts
during the application of 100 millisecond positive square wave pulses
having an amplitude of 80.0 1.0 DC volts superimposed on input voltage.
The output voltage shall return to the level specified in within
125 milliseconds after removal of pulses. Output current.- The Regulator shall deliver a minimum of
500.0 dc milliamperes when energized by the potentials of 3.4. Output voltage.- The Regulator shall deliver a dc voltage
of 2.35 .35 volts with a rise time of 0.3 seconds or less upon opening
test shutter switch. Shutter switch operation.- The Regulator shall provide out-
put current and voltage as specified in and only after the
test shutter switch Pi-E to ground is positioned from the closed to the
open position with input power applied. The Regulator shall not provide
an output when the test shutter switch is in the closed position, or when
in the open position while input power is being applied.
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