| ![]() MIL-R-50749(MU)
8 August 1973 First article selection. The Government Quality
Assurance Representative shall randomly select from three groups
of equipment, each group represented by the items listed in table I,
for final assembly of three rangefinders. These three rangefinders
shall be identified as rangefinders 1, 2, and 3 for first article testing.
Subsequent to final assembly of each rangefinder, adjustment
of PFN voltage shall be permitted, if necessary, to obtain
the specified output. Final acceptance. Final acceptance of the rangefinder
and repair parts (when required by contract shall be based upon com-
pliance with all requirements (Section 3) and quality assurance provisions
(Section 4) herein. Rejection shall be in accordance with 4.3.2 and as
otherwise specified in the contract. Data obtained from lower level
inspection tests may be applied in fulfilling the requirements of this
specification. Certification. Certification shall include test data
and results to show evidence of compliance With 3.2. Certification
shall be provided prior to performing first article testing and final
acceptance inspection and remain in effect throughout the contract for
Government acceptance. This does not relieve the coatractor from
inspection throughout the contract production, including recording data
and results therefrom. Recorded data and results shall be made avail-
able to the Government upon request. A new certification will be required
should any changes occur in materials, manufacturing processes and
techniques previously certified. Performance tests. The requirements and tests of
table IV shall be inspected on a 100 percent basis. Unless otherwize
specified, all examinations and tests shall be conducted at the standard
ambient temperature to determine compliance with 3.3.1.
4.4 Special sampling. The selection of samples shall be in
accordance with section 7 of MIL-STD-105.
4.4.1 General. One rangefinder shall be selected at random by
a Government representative as a control sample from each 100 produced
or from each months production, whichever occurs first. The control
sample shall meet the requirements and tests in table V.
4.4.2 Follow-up tests. The rangefinderss selected in 4.4.3 may
be used to satisfy the requirements and tests of table VI at the specified
intervals, after which the requirements and tests of table IV shall be
met. These tests shall be conducted as follow-up tests to the first
article samples and three each at 25 percent, 50 percent, and 75 per-
cent completion of the production contract.
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