| ![]() MIL-R-50749(MU)
8 August 1973
made into the record each time the rangefinder is fired. The data
collected will be reduced and compared to the following relationship:
TOtal number of rangings.
Number of chargeable reliability failures
Chi Square 90 percent lower value with
x .10;
2(r+l) degrees of freedom.
Subsequent to the reliability test, the sample rangefinder shall be
refurbished and readied for shipment and delivery. Lasing termination. Reliability lasing shall be
terminated when any one of the following conditions are met:
a. Upon successful completion of the tests defined in 4.6.28.
b. When 6 failures occur, or
c. When 46, 373 lasings are accumulated.
NOTE: Termination. shall be based upon whichever of
a, b, or c occurs first.
4.6.29 Sealing test. Perform this test utilizing the STE specified
in Pressurize the rangefinder as specified in 3.3.7. Measure
the pressure loss over a minimum period of 2 hours. to determine corn-
pliance with 3.3.7.
4.6.30 Internal pressure test. Perform this test utilizing the
STE specified in After dry flushing, pressure the receiver-
transmitter. Verify that the requirements of 3.3.8 are mot.
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