| ![]() MIL-R-51446(EA)
5.1 Industrial packing. Quantities of CR as specified (see 6.2) shall be
packed in a manner to maintain CR purity. It shall be packed to meet carrier
acceptance and safe delivery to destination at lowest rates in compliance with
requirements of carrier rules and regulations applicable to the mode of trans-
portation (see 6.8). Exterior of containers shall be free of CR contamination.
5.2 Marking. Containers shall, as a minimum, be legibly marked to show the
following information:
Noun nomenclature cited in the contract or purchase order
National Stock Number (or part number when National Stock Number is
not given) cited in the contract or purchase order
Government contract or purchase order number
Lot or batch number
Date of manufacture and packaging
Contractor's name
Appropriate address markings on exterior containers
Precautionary and hazard markings required by MIL-STD-129,
Department of Transportation regulations, and any other
applicable regulations
5.3 Unitization. When specified in the contract or order (see 6.2), ship-
ping containers shall be palletized to meet carrier acceptance and safe
delivery to destination at lowest rates in compliance with requirements of
carrier rules and regulations applicable to the mode of transportation.
6.1 Intended use.
CR is intended for use in the manufacture of Riot Control
Agent, CR Solution.
Ordering data.
Acquisition documents should specify the following:
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.
(b) Net contents per container (see 5.1).
(c) If palletization is required (see 5.3).
6.3 Batch. A batch is defined as that quantity of material which has been
manufacture-d by some unit chemical process or subjected to some physical mixing
operation intended to make the final product substantially uniform.
6.4 Significant places. For the purpose of determining conformance with
this specification, an observed or calculated value should be rounded off "to
the nearest unit" in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing
the limiting value, in accordance with the rounding-off method of ASTM E29.
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