| ![]() MIL-R-63997B(AR)
When specified, a sample shall be
3.1 First article.
subjected to first article inspection (see 4.4 and 6.1).
otherwise specified (see 6.1), the first article shall include the
pilot pack (see 5.1).
Rifles and parts shall
3.2 Materials and construction.
conform to the materials and construction requirements specified
herein, on Drawing 9349000 and drawings applicable thereto, and
be in accordance with the applicable materials and construction
provisions of MIL-w-13855.
3.3 Design.
Rifles and parts shall conform to the design
9349000 and drawings applicable
s p e c i f i e d h e r e i nf o n D r a w i n g
thereto, and be in accordance with the applicable design
provisions of MIL-W-13855.
T h e upper
Upper receiver and lower receiver qroups.
receiver group shall be attached to the lower receiver group by
the pivot pin and shall be held securely in the closed position by
When the takedown pin and pivot pin are
the takedown pin.
withdrawn to the stop position, the upper receiver group shall
disassemble from the lower receiver group.
receiver qroup.
The hammer shall pivot on the hammer pin Hammer.
through its full range of travel without binding, and when the
hammer is released from the cocked position, it shall pivot
forward to the stop position under spring action.
The automatic sear shall be retained Automatic sear.
The automatic
in the lower receiver by the automatic sear pin.
sear shall move through its full range of travel under spring
tension without binding, and shall engage and restrain the hammer
w h e n t h e f i r e c o n t r o l s e l e c t o r i s i n t h e "BURST" position and the
The automatic sear shall
hammer is cocked by the bolt carrier.
restrain the hammer until the sear is tripped by the forward
motion of the bolt carrier.
The fire control shall have Fire control selector.
three positions; safe, semi-automatic and burst and shall rotate
manually without binding from one position to another when the
The selector shall remain in place in each
h a m m e r is cocked.
position by perceptible spring detent load until manually reset
and shall be retained in the lower receiver by a spring loaded
With the hammer cocked, when the selector is placed in
the "SAFE" position, it shall prevent the trigger from-releasing
the hammer so that the rifle is incapable of being fired.
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