| ![]() MIL-R-63997B(AR)
the selector is placed in the "SEMI-AUTOMATIC" position, it shall
permit the disconnect to engage the hammer, so that the rifle is
capable of semi-automatic firing only (single shot with each pull
When the selector is placed in the "BURST"
of the trigger.)
position, it shall permit the automatic sear to engage the hammer,
(One, two, or three
so that the rifle is capable of burst firing.
continuous shots the first time the trigger is pulled and held
Three continuous shots on the second and each successive
One, two or three shots
time the trigger is pulled and held back.
if the trigger is released before completion of the three shot
cycle or all cartridges are expended before completion of the
three shot cycle.)
The bolt catch shall be retained on the Bolt catch.
lower receiver by the spring pin and held in the "down" position
The bolt catch shall move
by the bolt catch plunger and spring.
through its full range of travel without binding and when
positioned manually or by action of the magazine follower, it
shall remain engaged and hold the bolt in the open (rearward)
When the bolt catch is depressed the bolt shall return
t o b a t t e r y p o s i t i o n . When a fully loaded magazine is inserted
into the magazine well and the bolt catch is depressed, the bolt
shall return to battery position, stripping a cartridge from the
magazine, a n d c a m b e r i n g i t .
3 . 3 . 2 . 5 Magazine Catch a n d m a z a z i n e r e l e a s e b u t t o n : T h e
magazine catch, under spring action, shall securely retain the
The magazine release button, when
magazine in the magazine well.
depressed, shall disengage the magazine catch from the magazine
When the bolt
and permit removal of engagement with the magazine.
is held open (rearward) by the bolt catch, and the magazine
release button is depressed, the empty magazine shall be ejected
under spring assist from the magazine follower being depressed by
The spring tension of the magazine catch shall be
the boltcatch.
adjustable by depressing the magazine release button and rotating
the magazine catch clockwise to tighten; counterclockwise to
The magazine release button shall be assembled to the
magazine catch shaft, such that the end of the shaft is within one
turn of being flush with the face of the magazine release button.
The semi-automatic disconnect Semi-disconnect.
shall pivot freely on the trigger pin under spring action.
the selector is in the semi-automatic position, the semi-
disconnect shall engage and restrain the hammer in the cocked
position until the trigger is released. When the trigger is
released the disconnect shall allow the hammer to return to the
normal cocked position.
The burst disconnect shall pivot Burst disconnect.
freely on the trigger pin under spring action. When the selector
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