| ![]() MIL-R-63997B(AR) Maximum
The bolt shall then be retracted to
t h e o p e n p o s i t i o n a n t h e minimum headspace gage removed from the
The maximum headspace gage shall be inserted in the
chamber and the bolt returned to the battery position.
finger pressure shall be used to close the bolt.
To be acceptable
the bolt shall not fully close.
If the above results are in Dimensional inspection.
dispute, the rifle shall be disassembled and the 1.6206 + .0030
barrel dimension and the .156 - .003 bolt dimension shall be
measured to determine compliance with the drawing requirements.
4 . 7 . 2 F i r i n g pin indent test.
This test shall be performed
during inspection lot testing in accordance with TABLE IV
utilizing Government approved chamber adapters and Government
furnished copper compression cylinders for insertion in the barrel
4 . 7 . 2 . 1 F i r i n g mechanism indent.
The rifle shall be held in
(muzzle down) with the muzzle end supported.
a vertical position
The bolt shall be retracted to the rearward position and held
A zero indicator reading shall be made on the height of the
copper pressure cylinder before insertion into the chamber
The chamber adapter containing the copper compression
The bolt
cylinder shall then be inserted in the barrel chamber.
shall be manually reeturned to the battery position, the trigger
shall be pulled to release the hammer and indent the copper
compressions cylinder.
The chamber adapter shall be removed from
the barrel chamber and the depth of the indent on the copper
compression cylinder computed by measuring the distance from the
original zero indicator reading to the bottom of the firing pin
The indent impression shall be visually examined to
determine if the concentricity requirement has been met.
The bolt shall again be Bolt action indent.
retracted to the open rearward position and held open. A zero
indicator reading shall be made on the height of the copper
compression cylinder before insertion into the chamber adapter.
The chamber adapter containing the copper compression cylinder
The bolt shall be
shall then be inserted in the barrel chamber.
The trigger
returned to the battery position under spring action.
The chamber adapter shall be removed from
shall not be pulled.
the barrel chamber and the depth of the indent in the copper
compression cylinder computed by measuring the distance from the
original zero indicator reading to the bottom of the firing pin
The following data shall be
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