| MIL-R-70503(AR) Displays. The presentation of each type of
warhead/ fuze remaining shall be in numerical format. Display
selection shall be legible under high and low ambient brightness
including direct sunlight and shall be compatible with night
vision goggles AN/PVS-5. Display time. The remaining count for each
warhead/fuze type shall be updated within 50 milliseconds after
each firing cycle. Display intensity. The intensity of
illumination shall be controlled by the helicopter dimming control. Zero suppression. The ten digit readout of
each warhead/fuze type display shall automatically turn off when
the remaining count is less than 10. Lamp and display test. The DU/RMS shall
include a press-to-start switch to test the lamps and digital
displays at any time electrical power is applied to the RPM. All
functional lamps and segments of the digital displays should
illuminate in the test mode. The lamps and digital displays shall
illuminate with the same intensity as was illuminated prior to
pressing the press-to-start switch (as controlled by DIMMER BUS). Edge lighting. The DU/RMS face panel shall
conform to the requirements of MIL-C-6781 and shall have a 28 Vdc
red lighting system in accordance with MIL-P-7788. Dimming shall
be controlled through the helicopter light dimming control and
shall be compatible with AN/PVS-5 Night Vision Goggles. 0perations unit/rocket management subsystem
(OU/RMS). The OU/RMS shall be mounted as specified in
Each OU/RMS shall interface with the DU/RMS and one M158A1,
M200A1, XM227, or XM (Lightweight) rocket launcher assembly. OU/RMS Electrical power. All electrical power
for each OU/RMS shall be provided by the DU/RMS. Rocket launching signals. The OU/RMS shall
provide two signals, a charging signal and launch signal to each
tube in the rocket launcher. These signals shall be transmitted
on two separate shielded wires for each rocket tube. Charging signal. A charging signal shall be
provided for each rocket tube in the launcher through the fuze
charging connector to set the warhead/fuze. This signal shall
have maximum amplitude limits of +20 to -22 Vdc with a maximum
duration of 50 milliseconds.
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