| ![]() MIL-R-70503A(AR)
4.5.3 Testing. The tests (First Article and Quality
Conformance listed herein, shall be performed on inspection lots
as defined in 4.5.1 of this specification. The sampling plans
shall conform to the provisions of 4.5.2 above.
4.5.4 Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment
required to perform the Inspections and tests prescribed in this
specification is identified-in the "Paragraph Reference/Inspection
column in the tables, starting with paragraphs and test
methods Paragraph (see 4.6). The contractor shall submit for
approval" inspection equipment designs in accordance with the terms
of the contract. See 6.3 herein.
4.6 Methods of inspection. Any unit which fails to comply
with the specified requirements or evidence degradation of its
operational performance shall be classed defective. Test
equipment and procedures shall be satisfactory to the contracting
officer. See 4.5.4.
4.6.1 Materials, com ponents and processes. Compliance with
all requirements of Section 3 of this specification shall be
ascertained by current and continuing examination of inspection
and test data to determine that all components (parts, sub-
assemblies, and materials) have been inspected and tested and
found to comply with their respective drawing and specification
requirements, and that all specified manufacturing processes have
been followed. Visual and mechanical ins pection. The visual, manual
and mechanical inspections and tests shall verify compliance with
the requirements of Sections 3 and 5 of this specification in
accordance with 4.5.2 and Table IV.
4.6.2 Performance test. The Rocket Management Subsystem
shall be tested for compliance with specified performance
requirements. Any M138-Rocket Management Subsystem which fails to
comply with the specified requirement or evidence of degradation
of its operation shall be classed defective. Test equipment and
procedure shall be satisfactory to the contracting officer (see
4.6.3 Interchangeability (first article inspection only).
The Rocket Management Subsystem shall be subjected to the
interchangeability tests specified (see 3.5.1). At the discretion
of the Government representative, an interchangeability retest may
be allowed. Failure during the retest shall cause rejection of
the first article. A sample of five Rocket Management Subsystem
from each retest shall be tested using the same procedures
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