| ![]() MIL-R-81158A(WP)
3.2.8 Gages. The contractor shall provide himself with whatever
gages are necessary and adequate to ensure that the materials to which
this specification applies will meet the dimensional requirements shown
on the applicable drawings. If so stipulated in the contract, order, or
requisition, the Government will furnish drawings of pertinent Navy Final
Inspection Gages for guidance in the design of contractor's inspection
gages. However, such procedure shall not serve to relieve the contractor
of his responsibility in the design and manufacture of such gages as may
be required for the satisfactory fulfillment of the contract requirements,
but is intended to facilitate acceptance of all components and assemblies
by Navy Final Inspection Gages.
3.2.9 Requests for deviation. Each request that a deviation be author-
ized shall have been submitted to the procuring activity, and the devia-
tion shall have been authorized by the Bureau of Naval Weapons or by a
Naval activity delegated such authority, prior to the production of the
affected item, or prior to the performance of a particular operation on
the item. The deviation shall apply only to this specific item or opera-
tion. The request shall define the suggested deviation in sufficient
detail to permit the procuring activity to evaluate its effect on perform-
ance and reliability, and the reasons for the suggested deviation shall
be stated. Each request that a deviation be authorized, and the authori-
zation, shall state specifically the extent of the departure, the identi-
fying number of the item, the contractor (or bidder), and the contract
number. A deviation is essentially temporary in character, and usually
represents a departure limited to a specific period, to a specific number
of items, or to the contract to which it applies. It may require an
equitable reduction in contract price if a decrease in the cost or performance
results therefrom.
3.2.10 Conflicting requirements. Conflicting requirements arising
between this specification or any specifications, publications: or draw-
ings listed herein shall be referred in writing to the procuring agency
or appointed agent for interpretation, clarification, and resolution (or
3.3 Symbols. Schematic diagram symbols shall be interpreted in
accordance with MIL-STD-15-1.
3.4 Performance requirements and product characteristics. The rear
cover shall meet the following performance requirements and product
3.4.1 Continuity. All wires in the rear cover shall be electrically
continuous, when tested as specified in
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