| ![]() (d) Increase temperature to 68 degrees F plus or minus 5 degrees
F (20 degrees C plus or minus 2.78 degrees C) and maintain condition
for four hours. Immediately following this cycle, acceptance tests shall
be conducted as specified in 4.4.4 and the rear cover shall snow no cor-
rosion or damage and shall meet the Performance and other requirements
of this specification.
4.5.6 Tropical environment. The rear cover shall be exposed to fungus
tests as specified in "Tropical Envirornment in Section 4 of Specifica-
tion MIL-T-18404(Wep). At the conclusion of this test the rear cover
shall meet the performance and product requirements of this specification.
4.5.7 Marine environment. The rear cover shall be subjected to the
simulated sea atmospher tests as specified in "Simulated Sea Atmosphere"
in Section 4 of Specification MIL-T-18404(Wep). At the conclusion of
this test the rear cover shall meet the performance and product require-
ments of this specification.
4.6 Failure of the rear cover to meet any of the requirements and tests
of this specification shall be considered cause for rejection.
4.7 Functional tests. At the conclusion of the tests specified in (Vibration, transportation) and (Transportation, storage,
and handling), functional and other tests, as explicable, shall be
conducted on the rear cover to determine freedom from operational malfunc-
tion and compliance with all the requirements of Section 3.
4.8 Waiver of tests. Tests specified in 4.5.2.l (Vibration, transporta-
tion) and (Transportation, storage, and handling) may be waived
by the procuring agency for Level C packs only, provided the contractor
guarantees the rear cover will be delivered to the using activity in
such a condition that any rear cover selected shall be capable of meet-
ing all requirements of Section 3.
5.1 Preservation and packaging
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