| ![]() MIL-R-81202D(AS)
the same methods, materials, processes and procedures proposed for production.
Any production prior to acceptance of the first article sample is at the con-
tractor's risk.
3.1.2 Disposition of preproduction samples. Preproduction samples procured
under this specification are considered to be destructively tested and there-
fore are not to be included in net deliverable hardware.
3.2 Selection and quality verification of parts and materials. QualitY
verified parts (see 3.2.1) and materials from approved sources (see 3.2.2)
shall be used in the fabrication of the end item. The contractor shall prepare
test reports of conformance to applicable requirements.
3.2.1 Approval of parts and materials. Parts and materials proposed for
use in the fabrication of the end item that are not specified in detail herein
or in applicable referenced documents shall be selected from other documents
in the order of precedence specified in MIL-STD-143 and shall be approved by
the procuring activity prior-to use. Approval shall be predicated upon source
(vendor) approval and verification of part quality by test.
3.2.2 Source approval. The contractor shall be responsible for ascertain-
ing that each proposed source for parts and materials maintains a quality
control program to ensure consistent delivery of products conforming to appli-
cable requirements. When parts or materials are fabricated by the contractor,
the area used for that purpose shall be considered the same as an outside
vendor insofar as source approval is concerned. Source approvals by the
contractor shall be subject to concurrence by the procuring activity. Source
approval will be granted by the procuring activity upon preparation of accept-
able evidence of any of the following:
Formal on-site survey of the vendor's manufacturing facilities.
The source has been previously approved, and evidence is avail-
able to confirm that acceptable product quality has been main-
Other evidence of acceptable product quality is available.
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