| ![]() L-R-81202D(AS)
3.2.3 Verification of part quality. Quality verification shall be demon-
strated by successful testing of the part to levels of environmental, elec-
trical, and physical stresses equal to or greater than those which will be
encountered in t-he system and as required by the part specification. Part
quality may be demonstrated by any of the following:
When the part is manufactured and qualified to a military speci-
fication which includes requirements equal to or more severe than
those of the end item application.
When the part is manufactured and qualified to a military speci-
fication not including all requirements of the application, and
additional tests for such requirements have been performed.
3.2.4 Approved source/quality verified parts list (AS/QVPL)
shall be prepared by the contractor for all subassemblies and parts for ap-
proval by the procuring activity. All entries on the AS/QVPL shall be fully
substantiated by the preparation of data to satisfy the requirements of source
approval and part test approval as specified herein. Reports of all quality
verification testing shall conform to the requirements of MIL-STD-831. The
contractor may solicit from the procuring activity information as to the status
of quality verified parts and approved sources which may have been previously
developed. Neither part environmental tests nor part environmental test re-
ports are required in those instances where vendors are selected from current
AS/QVPLs of other programs. Entries on the AS/QVPL shall identify the vendor
and the product which is proposed for use in the receiver assembly by the con-
tractor. In the event several sources have previously been approved for the
application, the contractor shall specify the source of the parts to be used.
Each item listed shall be supported in accordance with the provisions of this
section. This listing does not supplant or modify the applicable documentation
or other Government Qualified Parts Listing. Conditions governing the quality verification of parts. Whenthe
contractor proposes to demonstrate the quality verification of parts, as
provided herein, the following provisions shall apply:
Test may be performed by the contractor, utilizing his own fa-
cilities, the facility of the manufacturer of the part or by
any other suitable facility selected by the contractor. In any
event, the facilities shall be approved by the contractor prior
to the performance of any test. This information shall be pre-
pared for approval by the procuring activity.
Prior to the performance of any test, a detailed test procedure
shall be prepared by the contractor and approved by the procur-
ing activity. The procedure shall identify, as a minimum, the
step by step functions to be performed and the test equipment
to be used, and shall provide for full conformance with the
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