| ![]() MIL-R-81202D(AS) Leakage. The receiver assembly shall be checked for leakage at the
following pressures for three minutes:
200 psig
1000 psig
2200 psig
3000 psig
3800 psig
Leakage shall not exceed 0.5 cubic centimeters per minute at any of the pres-
sures between 200 and 3800 psig. Operating pressure. The nitrogen receiver shall meet the dimen-
sional requirements for the external diameter of its transverse section at
atmospheric pressure and at an internal pressure of 3800 +100/-0 psig.
4.6.6 Environmental tests. The receiver assemblies shall be subjected to
the following environmental tests. High temperature. The receiver assembly shall be subjected to the
high temperature test in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 501, Procedure I,
except that the temperature shall be 121C (250F). While subjected to this
temperature, the pressure in the receiver assembly shall be maintained at 3800
-200 psig At the completion of the test, the receiver assembly shall be
visually inspected for damage and discoloration, and tested in accordance with and Low temperature. The receiver assembly shall be subjected to the
low temperature test in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 502, Procedure I,
for a period of four hours. The storage temperature shall be -54C (-65F).
The receiver assembly shall initially be pressurized to 3800 +/-100 psig and
sealed. After completion of the exposure, the receiver assembly shall be
allowed to stabilize at room temperature. Then the internal pressure shall be
accurately measured. The pressure loss shall not exceed 300 psig. The re-
ceiver assembly shall be visually inspected for damage and discoloration, and
tested in accordance with and Thermal shock. The receiver assembly shall be subjected to the
temperature shock test in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 503, Procedure
I. Prior to being subjected to the temperature conditions, the receiver
assembly shall be pressurized to 3000 +/-100 psig. At the completion of the.
test, the receiver assembly shall be visually inspected for damage and discol-
oration, and tested in accordance with and
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