| ![]() MIL-R-8236F Weight of MA-6, and MA-8 type inertia reefs. The maximum weight for these types of inertia reels,
excluding the webbing lead-in strap, manual control cable, and manual control handle subassemblies, shall be one
and 1.5 pounds. Weight of MA-14 type inertia reel. The maximum weight for this type of inertia reel, excluding the
webbing lead-in strap, manual control cable, and manual control handle subassemblies, shall be 2 pounds. Weight of MA-16 type inertia reel. The maximum weight for this type of inertia reel. excluding the
webbing lead-in strap, manual control cable, and manual control handle subassemblies. shall be 2.25 pounds. Weight of manual control handle subassembly. The maximum weight of the manual control handle
subassembly shall be 4 ounces.
3.5 System Performance.
3.5.1 Automatic inertia-locking activation. The aircraft coordinate system shown in Figure 16 is applicable
for determining acceleration direction for locking of the inertia reels. Unidirectional locking mechanism (MA- 1 type inertia recl). The inertia reel locking mechanism of
the MA-1 type of inertia reels, mounted in each of the positions shown in Figure 17, shall lock the cable drum at
any increment of extension of the shoulder harness cable with a maximum movement of 1 inch of shoulder harness
cable payout as measured from its initial position. Activation shall occur when the inertia reel is subjected to a
rearward longitudinal acceleration of 3.0 G or greater. Conversely, locking shall not occur when the inertia reel is
subjected to accelerations of 1.5 G or less. When the manual control handle is in the "auto-lock" position and the
inertia reel is automatically activated. the drum shall remain locked until unlocked by a complete cycle of the
manual control handle under a 25 pound load (see j. Multidirectional lock ing mechanism (MA-2, MA-6, and MA-8 type inertia reels). The inertia reel
locking mechanism of these types of inertia reels, mounted in any of the positions shown in Figure 17, shall lock
the cable drum, if the inertia reel contains a cable drum, at any increment of extension of the shoulder harness
cable with a maximum movement of 1 inch of the shoulder harness cable payout as measured from its initial
position. If the inertia reel contains a webbing spool the locking mechanism shall lock the webbing sped at any
increment of extension of the shoulder harness webbing with a maximum movement of 1.50 inch of the shoulder
harness webbing payout as measured from its initial position. Activation shall occur when the cable/webbing pays
out at a rearward longitudinal acceleration. right or let? transverse accelerations. or vectorial sums thereof, which
have a component of 3.0 G or greater. Conversely. the inertia reel shall not lock for acceleration components of
1.5 G or less. When the manual control handle is in the "auto-lock" position and the inertia reel is automatically
activated, the drum or spool shall remain locked until unlocked by a complete cycle of the manual control handle
under a 25 pound load (see. Omnidirectional locking mechanism (MA-14 type inertia reel). The MA-14 type inertia reel ocking
mechanism shall lock the webbing spool at any increment of extension of webbing. and in all mounting
orientations shown in Figure 17, with a maximum movement of 1.50 inches of webbing payout as measured from
its initial position. Activation shall occur when the webbing/inertia reel housing is exposed to an acceleration of
6.0 G in the plane perpendicular to the spool axis and/or if the webbing is exposed to an acceleration of 2.5 G or
greater. Conversely, locking shall not occur when the inertia reel housing is exposed to an acceleration of 4.0 G or
less or if the webbing is accelerated at 1.5 G or less at 3 inches of webbing extension or 1.0 G or less at 12 or more
inches of webbing extension. When the manual control handle is in the "auto-lock" position and the inertia reel is
automatically activated. the webbing spool shall remain locked until unlocked by a complete cycle of the manual
control handle under a 25 pound load (see
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