| ![]() MIL-R-8236F
3.9 Quality Program. The manufacturer shall establish, implement, and maintain a Quality Assurance
Program which meets the requirements of MIL-Q-9858. The quality program, including procedures, processes,
and products shall be documented and shall be subject to review and approval by the Government Qualifying
Activity (see 6.4.8) or its designee. The quality program is subject to disapproval whenever the manufacturer's
procedures do not accomplish [heir objectives, as set forth in the manufacturer's quality program. The program
shall assure adequate quality throughout all areas of the manufacturer's development performance, specifically:
design, fabrication. processing. assembly, inspection. test, packaging, shipping, and storage. The quality program
shall include, but not be limited to the following:
a. The program shall provide for the prevention and ready detection of discrepancies and for timely and
positive corrective action.
b. The program shall clearly delineate the authority and responsibility of those in charge of all aspects of the
manufacturer's program.
c. The program shall include an effective control of purchased materials and subcontracted work, and shall
also include effective execution of responsibilities shared jointly with the Government or related to
Government functions.
d. Effective management for quality shall be clearly prescribed by the manufacturer and the manufacturer
shall maintain and use any records or data essential to the economic and effective operation of his quality
The inclusion of an inertia reel subassembly on the QPL does not relieve the manufacturer of his responsibility for
furnishing products that meet all specification requirements or for the performance of specified inspections and
tests for such material. The contractor shall provide arid maintain an inspection system, in accordance with the
requirements of MIL-I-45208. This system shall assure that all inertia reel subassemblies submitted to the
Government for acceptance conform to specification requirements.
3.10 Service life. inertia reels shall be designed to achieve a minimum installed service life of 10 years.
3.11 Safety of equipment To preclude. breakage of inertia reel spool springs, all inertia reds shall be
delivered with the spring pre-wound to the design tension for full extension in the correct direction, with the
keeper installed in the slot at 90 to the spool axis. Each inertia reel shall be equipped with a removable warning
The end of the inertia reel housing through which access to the spool is obtained shall be marked to indicate
direction of rotation to retract the webbing lead-in strap.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the
manufacturer is responsible for the performance of al] inspection requirements as specified herein and may use his
own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the quality conformance inspection requirements
specified in accordance with MIL-I-45208 and MIL-Q-9858, unless disapproved by the Government or if the
inspection is part of the qualification testing. The Government reserves the right to perform any inspection or test
it deems necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements
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