| ![]() MIL-R-8236F
4.1.1 Responsibility for compliance. All items shall meet the requirements of this specification applicable to
that type inertial red, including its subassemblies (see 1.2). The inspection set forth in this specification shall
become a part of the manufacturer's overall inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection
requirements in this specification shall not relieve the manufacturer of the responsibility of assuring that all
products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements of this
specification. Sampling for quality conformance inspection does not authorize submission of known defective
material, either indicated or actual, nor does it cornmit the Government to acceptance of defective material.
4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:
a. Qualification inspection (see 4.2.1 and 4.2.2).
b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.2.3).
4.2.1 Qualification inspection. Qualification of inertia reels and their subassemblies shall consist of all tests
specified (see 4.3 through 4.6) and any supplemental tests as may be required by the Government Qualifying
Activity. Service tests (application) under actual or simulated service conditions assuring product compatibility in
the proposed/intended installation are required by the Government Qualifying Activity. Qualification samp1es. Inertia reels. The qualification samples shall consist of randomly selected complete inertia reels (see
3.4.3), of each manufacturer's part number for which qualification is desired, and a complete set of applicable
manufacturer's drawings. For all types of inertia reels. except for the MA-14 and MA-16, the qualification test
samples shall consist of 19 complete inertia reels and service test inertia reds, if applicable. For the MA-14 and
MA-16 type inertia reels, the qualification samples shall consist of 30 complete inertia reels plus inertia reds for
service test requirements. Tables 1A and 1B identify the test sample distribution for qualification and the required
test sequence. Webbing lead-in strap subassembly (MA-6, MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16 type inertia reels). Webbing
lead-in strap subassemblies used on the MA-6, MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16 type inertia reels maybe offered
independent of a specific inertia reel for qualification. The qualification test program. defined using applicable
parts of this specification and MIL-W-25361. shall be conducted to determine whether the webbing lead-in strap
subassembly is compatible with all QPL MA-6, MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16 type inertia reel with webbing spools.
A quantity of 10 samples shall be submitted to the approved resulting activity. Manual control cable subassembly. A manual control cable subassembly maybe offered
independent of a specific inertia reel and independent of a specific manual control handle subassembly for
qualification. The qualification test program, defined using applicable part of this specification and MIL-C-7958,
shall be conducted to determine whether the manual control cable subassembly is compatible with all QPL inertia
reels and all QPL manual control handle subassemblies in the appropriate type (e.g.: MA-l; MA-2; or between the
MA-6, MA-8, MA- 14, and MA- 16). A quantity of 10 manual control cable subassemblies shall be submitted to the
approved testing activity. Manual control handle subassembly. A manual control handle subassembly may be offered
independent of a specific inertia reel and independent of a specific manual control cable subassembly for
qualification. The qualification test program, defined using applicable parts of this specification. shall be
conducted to ascertain whether (he manual control handle subassembly is compatible with all QPL manual control
cables subassemblies and all QPL inertia reds in the appropriate type (e.g.: MA-i: MA-2; or between the MA-6,
MA-8, MA-14, and MA-16). A quantity of 10 manual control handle subassemblies shall be submitted to the
approved testing activity.
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