| ![]() MIL-R-8236F Testing facility. All qualification tests shall be conducted at and by an independent certified test
facilities or by a Govemrnent testing activity at manufacturer's expense. The testing facility shall be approved by
the Government Qualifying Activity. The Government Qualifying Activity shall be notified 30 days prior to the
start of testing to arrange for Government witnessing of testing. The manufacturer shall make arrangements with
the test laboratory to permit the government witness to photograph/video tape qualification tests at that facility.
Additionally, the manufacturer shall make arrangements for all the test set-ups, and any anomalies or failures to be
photographed for inclusion in the test report. Following any failure, the test article shall be put under Government
control pending review of associated data by the Government Qualifying Activity. Test documentation. As part of the test plan submitted for Government approval, a list of al! test
equipment calibration dates and equipment accuracy used by the test facility shall be provided. The accuracy of
the G measurement shall be 0.1 G or better to provide required accuracy in determining inertia reel lock-up
accelerations. Verification data shall be submitted for the equipment used for the automatic operation testing to
demonstrate reproducible and accurate measurement of G accelerations. Test plan. The manufacturer shall prepare and submit to the Government Qualifying Activity for
review and approval a proposed qualification test plan. No qualification testing can start without an approved test
plan. The test plan. as a minimum. shall include the following:
a. Manufacturer name and address.
b. Proposed test facility and address.
c. Test article description. including proposed applications.
d. Description of test equipment, method of operation, accuracies, certifications and calibration dates.
e. Description of test data acquisition system. including filtering parameter used, level/aspects.
f. Photographic record plan.
g. Data analysis plan.
h. How test item will be handled if failure occurs. Test report. The manufacturer shall prepare and furnish to the Government Qualifying Activity a
qualification test report documenting. at a minimum. the following:
a. Manufacturer name and address.
b. Test facility name and address.
c. Names and organizations of witnesses and the tests which they witnessed.
d. Test article description. including part number. serial number. and proposed applications.
e. Test plan as approved by the Governrnent Qualifying Activity with approval letter.
f. Description of each article of test equipment used, including test equipment which functions the article and
how it operates.
g. Calibration certificates for all test equipment used.
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