| ![]() MIL-R-85320(AS)
used, the breech cap shall be electrically connected
in series to a 2 ohm, 50 watt resistor to provide
current limiting protection.
Qualification by analysis, inspection, and demonstration.
All requirements, for the bomb rack not riot qualified testing shall be
qualified by analysis, inspections or testing approved by the pro-
curing activity.
Packaging inspection. Each bomb rack shall be examined
to ensure that the preparation for delivery conforms to this specifica-
tion (see section 5).
Ejector unit.
Each ejector unit shall be inspected to
insure that it has been properly assembled and adjusted, that the
cal connections are secure, and that the workmanship specified herein.
(see 3.7].
Prior to installation in the ejector unit, each
hook shall be subjected to the following inspections:
Each hook shall be subjected to dye penetrant inspec-
tions in-accordance with MIL-I-6866. Dye penetrant
inspections shall be performed after final process-
ing. Special attention shall be given to the throat
and pivot hole areas of the hooks. There shall be
no evidence of cracks, seams, discontinuity of
surface or other detrimental defects in any area of
the hook.
Each hook shall be thoroughly examined to determine
conformance to all the requirements of the drawings
listed in the data list for the ejector unit being
procured (see 6.2.1f). As a minimum, all hooks
shall be inspected and tested to determine if any of.
the following major defects exist.
One or more dimensions out of tolerance.
Finish not in accordance with specified values.
Functional test. Each ejector unit mounted in a horizon-
tal position, shall complete the following tests:
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