| ![]() MIL-R-85325(AS)
Quality conformance inspection.
inspection shall consist of the following inspections:
Individual Inspections (see 4.4.1)
Sampling Inspections (see 4.4.2)
Quality conformance inspection report format shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-831 (see 6.3).
Individual inspections. Individual inspections are those
inspections conducted on each bomb rack. Individual inspections for the
bomb rack are shown in Table II, Group 1. Failure to pass any of these
inspections shall be cause for rejection of the bomb rack.
A random sampling of the bomb
Sampling inspections.
racks shall be selected by the procuring activity from each production
lot in accordance with Table III and shall be subjected to the inspec-
tions list in Table II, Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 inspections shall
be conducted prior to Group 2 inspections. Failure to pass any of these
inspections shall be cause for rejection of the entire lot (see 6.3).
Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified, all
inspections shall be performed under the following conditions:
Room ambient of 2510C (7718F)
Room temperature.
Test temperature. All parts of the test item shall
be stabilized at the specified temperature 2.8C
(5F) indicated prior to conducting any tests.
Unless otherwise specified, temperature stabiliza-
tion will have been attained when the indicated
temperature of the surface of the largest mass of
the test item does not change by more than 2.8C
(5F) in a period of 1 hour.
Swaybraces. Whenever tests require that a store be
mounted to the bomb rack, swaybraces shall be used.
The swaybraces shall be adjusted as described in
Test fixture. During any test requiring that the
bomb rack be supported, a fixture manufactured in
accordance with DL 439AS400 shall be used.
Test stores. The stores, as referenced herein by
weight, shall conform to the following parameters.
The store suspension lugs shall be in accordance
with MS3314 and Drawing 1380540.
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