| ![]() MIL-R-8592/l
TABLE III (Cont'd)
flaps, or loose strapping, etc; bulging
Workmanship (Cont'd)
or distortion of the containers.
Number per container is more or less than
Exterior and
interior weight
required; gross or net weight exceeds the
or content
4. 5.3
Proof load - The cable grip shall be tested as indicated on
Figure 1. Gradually apply a 1000 pound load to the cable grip. Hold the
1000 pound load for a minimum of 5 seconds. Repeat the above loading
three times. After the third load the grip and cable shall be examined
for damage. Any damage to the jaws of the grip or breaks in the cable
caused by the jaws of the cable grip shall be cause for rejection.
Packaging - Packaging shall be Level A or C, as specified
(see 6.2).
Level A - The cable grip shall be packaged in accordance
with MIL-P-116, Method III. Each cable grip shall be completely wrapped
and cushioned within material conforming to PPP-C-8431, Type II. The cush-
ioned item shall then be packaged within a close fitting fiberboard box
conforming to PPP-B-636, Style OPF, Class-Domestic, Grade 125 (minimum).
Level C - Each cable grip shall be packaged in a manner
that will prevent physical damage and deterioration during transit from
the supply source to the shipping point. The contractor's commercial
packaging practice may be utilized when it conforms to the criteria stated
tainers shall contain items of one part number, contain identical quantities,
be of uniform size and shape and effect a close fit for the contents.
Level A - The cable grips, packaged as specified In 5.1.1
shall be packed for shipment in fiberboard shipping containers conforming
to PPP-B-636, Class-Weather resistant, Grade V3s/V3c or PPP-B-640, Class 2,
Grade A. The gross weight of each packed container shall not exceed 70
pounds for the PPP-B-636 container nor 200 pounds for the PPP-B-640 container.
Each container shall be fitted with a waterproof case liner fabricated and
sealed In accordance with MIL-L-10547. The container closure, sealing and
banding procedure shall be accomplished in accordance with the procedure
delineated in the appendix Of the applicable specification.
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