| MIL-R-9345(USAF)
3.10 Finishes and protective coatings:
3.10.1 Plating. - Steel parts in contact with aluminum or aluminum alloys
shall be cadmium plated in accordance with Specification QQ-P-416 or zinc
plated in accordance with Specification QQ-Z-325. Cadmium plating shall be
Type II or III, and of a class that is adequate to achieve the degree of
protection required.
3.10.2 Anodizing. - All aluminum alloy parts shall be anodized, unless
otherwise required, in accordance with Specification MIL-A-8625.
3.11 Identification of product. - Equipment, assemblies, and parts shall
be marked for identification in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-130.
3.12 Tag.- A tag shall be securely attached to the regulator, marked to
indicate the calibration of the regulator in each range of operation of which
the regulator is capable.
3.13 Workmanship:
3.13.1 General.- The regulator, including all parts and accessories,
shall be constructed and finished in a thoroughly workmanlike manner.
Particular attention shall be given to neatness and thoroughness of soldering,
marking of parts and assemblies, welding and brazing, painting, riveting,
machine-screw assemblies, and freedom of parts from burrs and sharp edges.
3.13.2 Dimensions. - Dimensions and tolerances not specified, shall be a
close as is consistent with the best shop practices. Where dimensions and
tolerances may affect the interchangeability, operation, or performance of
the regulator, they shall be held or limited accordingly.
3.13.3 Screw assemblies. - Assembly screws and bolts not having specific
torque requirements shall be tight. The word "tight" means that the screw
or bolt cannot be appreciably tightened further without damage or injury to
the screw or bolt or threads.
3.13.11 Riveting. - Riveting operations shall be carefully performed to
insure that the rivets are tight and satisfactorily headed.
3.13.5 Gears.- Gear assembles shall be properly aligned and meshed, and
shall be operable without interference, tight spots, loose spots, or other
irregularities. Where required for accurate adjustments, gear assemblies
shall be free from backlash.
3.13.6 Cleaning. - The regulator shall be thoroughly cleaned of loose,
spattered, or excess solder, metal chips, and other foreign material after
final assembly. Burrs and sharp edges, as well as resin flash that may
crumble, shall be removed.
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