| MIL-R-9345 (USAF)
-11- Bench. - A bench test for checking the mechanical functioning
of the regulator in all ranges shall be devised by the manufacturer. This
can be done by the use of light vacuum lines connecting to the pressure
responsive elements of the regulator. Performance can be calculated from
the measured degree of regulator opening. A complete outline of the bench
test shall be submitted to the procuring agency for approval.
4.4.2 Sampling tests. - One regulator shall be selected at random from
every one hundred or fraction thereof produced and subjected to the following
tests: When sampling tests are specified on a number of items that are
selected from a production run and one or more of this number fails to meet
the specified tests, acceptance of all items still on hand and subsequent
production will be withheld until the extent and cause of failure is determined.
For operational reasons, individual tests may be continued pending investi-
ation of a sampling test failure. However, final acceptance of the items on
hand and subsequent production Is contingent upon the inspector's decision
regarding the over-all conformance of the product to specification requirements.
When corrective action has been accomplished, all necessary tests shall be
repeated. If investigation indicates that the defects may exist in items
preciously accepted, full particulars concerning the defects, including
recommendation for correction, will be furnished to the contracting officer. Unpressurized range: Ambient altitude stabilized .- Ambient altitude shall be
stabilized at sea level and at 2000 feet below the isobaric range. Flow of
cabin pressurizing air shall be varied to give values of 10, 20, 50, 70, and
100 percent of rated regulator capacity. Differential pressure between cabin
and ambient shall be recorded for each flow and altitude. Test requirement.- Pressure differential shall not exceed
0.5 inches Hg for any flow up to and including rated regulator capacity in
simulated stable flight. Isobaric range: Ambient altitude stabilized .- Ambient altitude shall be stabi-
lized at selected altitudes in the isobaric range. A minimum of 2 altitudes
shall be used with a minimum spread of 5000 feet between altitudes chosen or
representing the limits of the isobaric range. Flow of cabin pressurizing
air shall be varied to give 10, 20, 50, 70, and 100 percent of rated regulator
capacity. Cabin altitude shall be recorded for each flow and ambient altitude. Simulated climb. - A constant rate of climb as specified in the
detail specification shall be simulated through the isobaric range for each
specified air flow. Instantaneous cabin altitude readings shall be taken at
approximately 1000-foot increments of ambient altitude. Test requirement. - For any of the above flight altitudes and
air flows, the cabin pressure shall be maintained constant at the level.
specified in the detail specification 0.20 inch Hg.
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