| MIL-R-9345 (USAF)
-12- Ambient altitude stabilized. - Ambient altitude shall be stabilized
at 3000-foot intervals throughout the constant pressure differential range, or
throughout the ranges in the case of multirange regulators. Air flows shall be
varied to give 10, 20, 5O, 70, and 100 percent of rated regulator capacity.
Pressure differential shall be recorded for each flow and ambient altitude. Simulated climb. - A constant rate of climb as specified in
the detail specification shall be simulated for each specified air flow,
Instantaneous cabin altitude readings shall be taken at approximately
1000-foot increments of ambient altitude throughout the constant pressure
differential range. Test requirements. Cabin pressure in simulated stabilized
flight shall be maintained at a constant differential relative to ambient
pressure. The pressure differential shall be the differential specified in
the detail specification 0.20 inch Hg. In simulated climing flight a
curve shall be drawn representing the mean of readings taken with varying
air flows. Individual curves for each specified air flow shall be consistent
with this mean curve within 0.20 inch Hg, and the mean curve shall not
vary from specified differential pressure by more than 0.20 inch Hg. Constant ratio range.- This test shall be applicable to regulators
incorporating a range in which control is effected on a constant relative
gas expansion curve. Ambient altitude stabilized.- Ambient altitude shall be
stabilized at 3000-foot intervals throughout the relative gas expansion
range and flow of cabin pressurizing air shall be varied to give 10, 20, 50,
70, and 100 percent of rated regulator capacity. Cabin altitude pressure
reading shall be taken for each air flow and ambient altitude. Test requirement. - Cabin altitude pressure shall be maintained
at the values computed for the specified relative gas expansion curve
0.20 Hg. The relative gas expansion curve shall be computed from
the following equation:
Specified RGE = PC- 1185
Pa- 1.85
Where RGE Relative gas expansion
PC Cabin pressure in inches Hg abs
Pa Ambient pressure in inches Hg abs Initial opening pressure differential.- Initial opening pressure
differential shall be checked in the following manner:
(1) The initial flow of air shall be zero. Cabin altitude
shall be stabilized at sea level.
(2) Ambient altitude shall be increased slowly.
(3) The pressure differential shall be read in inches of
water at the first indication of air flow at the inflow
air orifice manometer.
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