| ![]() MIL-S-10522K (PA)
*4.4.3 Testing. Moisture content. -. Major A defects - The contractor
shall provide adequate controls to insure that the materials
used comply with the requirements (see Table II). For verifi-
cation, the contractor shall select and subject to test, one
sample of each material from each 8 hours production. A
composite sample shall not be used. If the moisture content
of' the sample exceeds the requirement, that quantity or sub-
let of material represented by the sample shall not be used
in production. If the quantity or sub-lot of material with
excessive moisture has been used in loading and packing, the
remaining unloaded and unpacked material shall not be used
in production, and the loaded and packed simulators shall be
rejected. Tests shall be performed as specified in 4.5.1.
TABLE II Determination of' match head, scratcher, and whistle
compositions. - Major A defects - A sample quantity of each
composition shall be selected from each batch for these deter-
minations. If the sample fails to meet the requirements
specified (see Table III), the batch shall be rejected. The
test shall be performed as specified In 4.5.2.
TABLE III Protective coating of extension spring (dwg.
88485 2) and bracket (dwg. 8848603) - Major B defects -
Sampling, acceptance, and rejection shall be in accordance
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