| ![]() MIL-S-10522K (PA)
in Table IV occur, if four (4) or more assemblies exhibit
any of the major A defects listed in Table IV, if six (6) or
more assemblies exhibit the major B defect, listed in Table
IV, if seven (7) or more assemblies exhibit a combination of
the major A and major B defects in Table IV, if eight (8) or
more assemblies exhibit the minor defect or a combination of
the major and minor defects listed in Table IV.
* After three (3) consecutive lots have complied
with the acceptance criteria of, fifty (50) assemblies
shall be selected from each lot for test. The lot shall be
rejected if, during the test, one (1) or more critical defects
as listed in Table IV occur, if two (2) or more assemblies
exhibit any of the major A defects in Table IV, if three (3)
or more assemblies exhibit the major B defect, if four (4)
or more assemblies exhibit the minor defect or a combination of
minor and major defects defects listed in Table IV. Quick Leak Test. - Major B defect - Ten (10) cartons
in sealed barrier bags shall be selected from each lot for test.
If' two (2) or more packsges show evidence of air leakage during
testing or water leakage when package is opened, the lot shall be
rejected. The test shall be performed as specified in 4.5.7.
*4.4.4 Inspection Equipment. - The inspection equipment
required to perform the inspections and tests prescribed in
this specification is identified in the `paragraph Referance/
Inspection Method' column In the tables starting with para-
graph, and the test method paragraphs (see 4.5). The
contractor shall submit for approval, inspection equipment
designs In accordance with the terms of the contract. See
Section 6 of MIL-A-48078, and section 6.3 herein.
4.5 Test methods and procedures
4.5.1 Moisture content Moisture content of whistle composition. - An
accurately weighed portion of' approximately 5 gram of com-
position shall be transferred to a tared moisture dish. The
moisture dish and contents shall be placed in a drying oven
at 85 plus or minus 5 degrees C. for four (4) hours, cooled
In a desiccator and weighed. The percentage of moisture in
the sample shall be calculated as follows:
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