| MIL-S-13261G(AR)
beaker. Then place the cylinder beneath the prongs of the immersing
fixture and the level the mercury by pressing down with the flat
glass until it is even with the top of the beaker. Catch the excess
mercury in a clean evaporating dish. Weigh the mercury displaced by
the cylinder. Calculate the density of the cylinder as follows:
Density = 13.54 W divided by the weight of the displaced
mercury grams.
W = weight of the cylinder in grams
If any section of the grain fails to comply with the requirements,
the lot shall be rejected.
4.5.6 Hydrostatic test of tube, casing. The casing tube shall
be tested in a hydrostatic test device (See 4.4.4). The minimum
pressure shall be applied for not less than 5 seconds. The tube
shall be observed for evidence of failure to comply with the
requirements. Any casing tube that bursts, cracks or shows evidence
of distortion shall be classed defective and removed for the lot.
4.5.7 Bolt pull strength. The bolts shall be tested in
accordance with the procedure and equipment specified in 4.4.4. If
any bolt fails to comply with the applicable drawing requirement? it
shall be classed defictive.
4.5.8 Hardness of tail vane. The tail vane shall be tested for
hardness as specified in Federal Standard No. 151, Method 243. If
any tail vane fails to comply with the requirement, the heat treated
batch represented by the sample shall be rejected.
4.5.9 Push test of firing cap and spring assembly. The firing
cap and spring clip shall be tested in accordance with the equipment
and procedure specified in 4.4.4. If any sample faining to comply
with the applicable requirement it sail be classed defective.
4.5.10 Candlepower and color values. The illuminant assemblies
shall be tested for candlepower and color value in accordance with
the procedures and equipment specified in dwg. 9201136, 9201268,
9201390 and associated dwgs., 9201392, 9247071 and 9247088. Any
sample failing to comply with the applicable requirement shall be
classed defective.
Illuminant assemblies from each mix, batch or sublet making
up the inspection lot shall be uniformly represented in the
above sample. If the inspection lot fails this test, each
sublet indicating failure shall be rejected. Each of the
remaining sublets shall be treated as an individual
respective inspection lot and be re-tested according to the
above procedures.
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