| MIL-S-1398E(AR) Static test of star assembly (see dwg. 8847461). The*
star assemblies shall be tested and observed for the defects as
classified in Table V.
TABLE V - Static Test Classification
Assembly fails to ignite
Candlepower under min.
Color value under min. First three (3) lots. Beginning with the first lot
produced and continuing until three (3) consecutive lots have
complied with the acceptance criteria specified, eighty (80) star
assemblies of each color shall be selected from each lot for test in
accordance with the procedure specified in 4.5.5. The lot shall be
rejected if five (5) or more defective are found during the test. After three (3) consecutive lots. After three
consecutive lots have complied with the acceptance criteria of, thirty-two (32) star assemblies of each color shall be
selected from each lot for test. The lot shall be rejected, if,
during the test, three (3) or more assemblies exhibit any of the
defects as listed in Table V. Chamber gaging. (see dwg. 8847462). Chamber gaging
shall be performed 100 percent. Any assembly that binds, or
otherwise fails to gage freely shall be classed defective and
removed from the lot. The gaging shall be performed as specified in
4.5.6. Deterioration of the primer. Check test for possible
deterioration of primers (see applicable primer specification). If
the total elapsed time between original acceptance of any primer lot
and the assembly of that lot into the signal assemblies exceeds two
years, or if the primers have been subjected to adverse conditions,
however brief, at any time since previous tests, the primer lots
shall be subjected to and must satisfactorily pass the check test
specified in the applicable primer specification. The check test
shall be performed by the contractor (see 6.6) prior to assembling
the primers into the signals. Heat seal test of sealed bag. (see dwg. 8836949).
Sampling, acceptance criteria, and test methods shall be as
specified in MIL-P-116.
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