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MIL-S-1419D (PA)
semblies of each color shall be selected from each lot for test.
The lot shall be rejected, If, during the test, three (3) or
more assemblies exhibit any of the defects as listed in Table IV. Chamber gaging (see dwg. 8847467) Major defect - Code
No. 07026. - Chamber gaging shall be performed 100 percent. Any
assembly that binds, or otherwise falls to gage shall be classed
defective and removed from the lot. The gaging shall be performed
as specified in 4.4.6. Check test for possible deterioration of primers
(see applicable primer specification). If the total elapsed time
between original acceptance of any primer lot and the assembly of
that lot into the signal assemblies exceeds two years, or if the
primers have been subjected to adverse conditions, however brief
at any time since previous tests, the primer lots shall be subjected
to and must satisfactorily pass the check test specified in the
applicable primer specification. The check test shall be performed
by the contractor (see 6.5) prior to assembling the primers into the
signals. Heat seal test of sealed bag. - (see dwg. 8836949)
Major defect, Code No. 15001. Sampling acceptance criteria, and
test methods shall be as specified in MIL-P-116.
4.3.4 Inspection Equipment .-Inspection equipment required
to perform the inspections prescribed in this specification is
identified in the Examination (4.3.2) and Test Method (4.4)
paragraphs herein. See 6.3 for details concerning responsi-
bilities for inspection design and approval.
4.4 Test methods and procedures.
4.4.1 Moisture content Star charge composition preferred Method. - The Karl Fischer method as
stated in MIL-STD-1234, Method 101.2 up to paragraph 5.3 shall
be used. A fifty gram (gin) sample plus or minus 0.1 gm. shall
be added to a 500 millilter (ml) volumetric flask containing
approximately 300 to 400 ml. of methanol and 25 gins. Of dry
sodium nit.rate. The flask shall be stoppered and the contents
swirled cautiously for several minutes until the material is
thoroughly dispersed The sample shall be allowed to remain
in contact with the methanol for approximately two hours, then
the 500 ml. volumetric flask shall be filled up to the 500 ml.
mark with methanol and swirled again. A blank without the sample
shall be put through the same procedure . after the sample has
settled a 50 ml. aliquot of the clear supernatant ant liquid shall
be withdrawl and immediately transferred to the standard titraticn
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