| ![]() MIL-S-18471G(AS)
Limit parachute canopy opening loads imposed on the aircrew-
member (whether prior to, during, or subsequent to separation
from the ejection seat) in accordance with the requirements
of and
Achieve the total velocity and vertical descent velocity
specified in while meeting the load requirement
of and table I and while meeting the performance
requirements of 3.3.2.
Provide a free and clear trajectory path for each deployed
element and ensure that load carrying members are not subject
to interference or damage by other escape system components,
to the maximum extent practicable, throughout its sequence of
Dampen oscillatory or rotational motions and prevent entangle-
ment of risers and suspension lines and distribute deployment
loads to the ejection seat or to the aircrewmember in a
dynamically stable manner in accordance with Parachute canopy. The parachute canopy shall support the
maximum specified population aircrewmember with full personal flight gear
in accordance with and shall:
Exhibit uniform, reliable, and repeatable openinq charac-
teristics, be deployed parallel with the relative wind,
achieve full line stretch prior to initial inflation of
canopy, and minimize post inflation collapse.
b. Incorporate both canopy water deflation pockets and para-
chute canopy release devices which release automatically
upon contact with sea water.
c. Be spread aerodynamically or forcibly to ensure rapid,
consistent, and safe operation in accordance with the
maximum allowable load envelope specified in table I.
d. Limit total velocity (VT) to a maximum of 30 feet per second
and vertical descent velocity (VV) to a maximum of 24 feet
per second ICAO standard conditions with a suspended
weight of 291 pounds.
e. Limit angular displacements of the aircrewmember during
descent to a vertical cone with the center of the parachute
canopy as the apex having a half angle of 15 maximum,
under no wind conditions.
f. Provide a gliding or steerable mode capability that is
selectable and initiated only as an aircrewmember option.
The requirements of are applicable to both the
non-steerable mode and to the steerable mode after appli-
cation of a flare or brake maneuver. Parachute container. The parachute container shall be in
accordance with NWC-1027. The container shall provide sotroage for the parachute
canopy and protect the parachute canopy against degradation caused by sunlight,
ozone, flue gases, rain, salt spray, and dust. The container shall be mounted
directly upon or shall be integral with the ejection seat assembly and shall
be capable of easy removal. Back type containers shall not be used.
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