| ![]() MIL-S-18471G(AS) Recovery subsystem positive deployment device. The positive
deployment device shall not interfere with the parachute canopy function during
or after its action. The positive deployment device shall be capable of
extracting and deploying the parachute canopy under a zero wind condition.
Loading contributed by the device shall not cause the loads specified in table
I to be exceeded. Parachute risers. The length of the parachute risers shall be
approved in writing by the procuring activity and shall connect the aircrewmember
to the parachute canopy (see 6.2.2). The risers shall incorporate cross
connector straps, located and attached as approved in writing by the procuring
activity (see 6.2.2). Parachute canopy release. A means shall be provided for the
aircrewmember to quickly release the parachute canopy after touchdown. Recovery subsystem manual backup control. The recovery subsystem
shall contain a manual backup control in accordance with Other recovery subsystem components. Requirements for the
parachute canopy container, the positive deployment device, the risers, and
cross connector straps, specified in through inclusive,
shall not be construed as prohibiting the use of multiple parachutes, staged
parachute configurations, brakes, energy or shock absorbers, rockets, or other
devices as components for fulfilling the requirements for the recovery subsystem. Survival equipment container. The survival equipment container
shall be comprised of the escape oxygen supply and a suitable protective
container for the Government-furnished survival equipment. If used, rigid
seat survival kits shall be designed in accordance with MIL-S-81018 or MIL-S-
81040 as applicable. Otherwise, the contractor shall prepare a specification
in accordance with Survival equipment components shall be approved
types, consistent with requirements of the aircraft detail specification.
Containers shall be either entirely rigid or semi-rigid (i.e., comprised of
a rigid lid and non-rigid container). The survival equipment container shall:
a. Provide 1100 cubic inches of useable storage for Government-
furnished survival equipment, plus additional volume as
required for the escape oxygen supply.
b. Protect the survival equipment and aircraft interconnections
from damage during normal aircraft usage and maintenance.
c. Not interfere with the aircraft's control stick travel when
the container is installed with its full complement of survival
d. Be secured in a manner which prevents movement relative to
the ejection seat, any time prior to the separation of the
aircrewmember and the ejection seat.
Incorporate provisions to permit the proper functioning,
deployment and actuation of survival equipment during the
escape sequence.
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