| ![]() MIL-S-18471G(AS)
30.1.1 Frequency allocation. For all testing requiring the use of
telemetry, whether at contractor, Government, or independent test facilities,
the contractor shall initiate appropriate frequency allocation applications
directly with such Government agencies having approval cognizance in sufficient
time to ensure receipt of frequency assignments prior to the scheduled
start of the affected tests. The contractor shall coordinate all frequency
allocation applications with the affected test activity and shall keep the
procuring activity fully apprised of all actions affecting the submittal
and processing of such applications.
30.1.2 Test vehicle for performance demonstrations. The DT-IB and
DT-IIB track test vehicle shall be in accordance with the requirements of
MIL-A-81973. The contractor shall be responsible for providing the fuselage
section. Throughout the design and construction of the test vehicle the
contractor shall maintain an active liaison with the test activity to ensure
compatibility of the fuselage section with the track test vehicle.
30.1.3 Flight clothinq for test subjects. Typical flight clothing and
survival equipment worn by aircrewmembers in ejection seat equipped aircraft
are listed in table IV. For all tests specified in section 4 that require
live or dummy subjects, the test plan shall specify the applicable flight
clothing selected from table IV.
30.2 Test articles. Test articles shall be in compliance with 4.7.5 and as applicable. for all ejection tests involving the use of dummies,
dummy installation shall comply with the test plan.
30.3 Test data requirements. Test data requirements shall be incorporated
into test plans for written procuring activity approval and shall comply with
4.7.2 and the following paragraphs to provide a common basis and uniform
procedures for evaluating ejection test results.
30.3.1 Pretest data. As a minimum, the following pretest data shall be
obtained for each ejection test:
Complete identification of test facility, test articles, test
personnel, witnesses, anthropomorphic dummies, and flight gear.
Serial numbers shall be assigned to test articles, dummies, and
individual items of flight gear as required.
b. Meteorological conditions and elevation of the test site above
mean sea level.
c. Weight, size, and serial number, if applicable, of each test
article, each item of flight gear, each fully attired dummy and
each mass to be ejected.
d. Center of gravity data for the following:
(1) Empty ejection seat (a one-time determination of this
data in a laboratory environment will suffice for each
significant change in ejection seat configuration).
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