| ![]() MIL-S-20706A Sampling. Sampling for examination shall be in accord-
ance with MIL-STD-105. Examination. Samples selected in accordance with
shall be examined for the following defects. AQL shall be 2.5 per-
cent defective.
110. Materials and containers not as specified for level A
or B. Each incorrect material or each incorrect con-
tainer shall constitute a defect.
111. Unpainted surfaces not coated with preservative as
specified for level A.
112. Strapping not zinc coated for level A.
113. Strapping not placed adjacent to the skids for level
A or B.
114. Marking illegible, incomplete or incorrect.
5.1 Preservation.
Preservation shall be level A or C, as specified.
5.1.1 Level A. Unpainted surfaces of the scarifier assemblies,
including bolts and nuts, requiring the application of a contact
preservative in accordance with MIL-P-116 shall be cleaned, dried,
and coated with type P-1 preservative conforming to the applicable
specification listed in MIL-P-116.
5.1.2 Level C. The scarifier assemblies, including bolts and nuts
shall be preserved to afford protection against deterioration from
the supplier to the initial destination for immediate use.
5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A, B, or C, as specified.
5.2.1 Level A. The searifier assemblies of like type and size
shall be packed in quantities of two in close-fitting plywood boxes
conforming to PPP-B-601, style A or B, overseas type. The boxes
shall be modified with skids in accordance with the box specification.
Blocking and bracing of the assemblies within the boxes shall be in
accordance with MIL-STD-1186. The weight limitation of the boxes shall
be waived if necessary to accomplish the packing specified herein. The
boxes shall be strapped in accordance with the appendix to the box
specifications except flat steel strapping shall be type I, class B
and shall be placed adjacent to the skids. The filler edge cleats
shall be wide enough so as not to allow strapping to pass over any voids.
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