| ![]() MIL-S-23772 (Wep)
Preproduct ion sample. - Unless otherwise speci-
fied for each contract or order, a representative sample of 12
Hydrostatic Switches, Mark 63 Mod 0 or Mod 1 shall be manufactured
using the methods and procedures proposed for the production
lot. These shall be submitted to the Government inspectoe
for preproduction tests at an activity designated in the
contract or by the Bureau of Naval Weapons, for purposes of
determining compliance with the requirements of the contract,
specifications and drawings. Further production; of the item
by the contractor prior to approval of the contracting activ-
ity or the completion of tests on preproduction samples shall
be at the contractor's risk.
Lot size - As ap plied to Government inspection
of units of product the term "lot" shall mean "Inspection
lot", i.e., a collection of units of product submitted by a
supplier for Government inspection. Unless otherwise speci-
fied, the number of units of product in "inspection lots"
will be as determined by the Government Inspector and may
differ from the uantity designated in the contract or order
in a lot for production, shipment or other purpose.
Periodic production samples. - From each suc-
ceeding lot or grand lot of three hundred (300) or less, a
random sample of six (6) hydrostatic switches will be
selected by the Government inspector for submission to a
Bureau of Naval Weapons designated activity to determine
compliance of the samples with the requirements of the con-
tract, specification and drawings. The sample shall be con-
sidered satisfactory only if each unit meets the performance
requirements and product characteristics of 3.4 and the
environmental requirements of 3.5.
Contractor s inspection. - Unless otherwise
required by the procuring activity, the contractor is respon-
sible for the performance of all tests and examinations to assure
that Switch, Hydrostatic, Mk 63 Mod 0 or Mod 1, delivered to
the Government, is in full accordance with all applicable
requirements. In addition, the contractor is required to
maintain records of all tests and examinations and to make`
these records available to the Government representative
upon request.
Classification of tests. - The inspection and
testing of the hydrostatic switch shall be classified as
fol lows:
Acceptance tests. - These tests arc to be accom-
pl i shed on hydrostatic switches being submitted for accept-
ance under contract. Inspection and test procedures shall be
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