| ![]() MIL-S-23772(Wep)
Vibration, transportation, storage and handling.-
The hydrostatic switch packaged and packed in shipping
containers as indicate d in 5, shall be mounted on a vibration
platform equipped with barriers s) as to allow free movement
of the container relative to the platform but prevent the
devices from falling off the platform. The motion of the
platform shall be such that any point on the platform moves
in a circular path one inch in diameter with the plane of the
circle perpendicular to the platform. The frequency shall
be within the range of 240 to 300 cycles per minute, The
package of units shall be vibrated for a period of one half
hour on each face of the container. After completing the
above vibration test, the hydrostatic switch shall be capable
of meeting acceptably all performance requirements and product
characteristics of this specification.
vibration table by means simulating the actual method of
mounting used on service. The vertical displacement compo-
nent of the vibration shall be simple harmonic motion.
The samples shall be mounted on the vibration table so
that equal quantities of devices experience vibration per-
pendicular to the plane of mounting and vibration parallel
to the plane of mounting. The units shall be vibrated through
a range of frequencies from 700 to 3000 cycles per minutes
in 100 cycles per minute increments. The duration of the
vibration of each increment shall be one hour. The amplitude
of the vibration shall be in accordance with the following
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