| ![]() MIL-S-24603A(SH)
- Paper, kraft, wrapping type II, grade, C or D.
- Polystyrene, expanded grade SE, type I or II.
- Bound fiber, uncompressed type III or IV, grade 1.
- Cellular rubber, grade A.
- Cellular rubber, class 5.
- Polyurethane foam (rigid or flexible).
5.3 Talc/talcum or soapstone powder. Talc/talcum or soapstone powder used
in the packaging process of items shall be free of asbestos and asbestiform-like
5.4 Marking, In addition to the marking requirements specified in
MIL-P-16789, the marking and labeling requirements for the schedule of quality
conformance tests and visual inspection in MIL-P-116 shall apply.
6.1 Intended use. The sewage comminutor and associated drive mechanism,
motor, and motor controller covered by this specification are intended for Naval
shipboard use in conjunction with gravity collection sewage systems. Effluent
from the comminutor is discharged to holding tanks for subsequent transfer pump
discharge to the open sea, barge, or shore receiving facilities. The intent of
treating the sewage by comminution is twofold:
(a) Reduce the sewage solid particles sizes to a level which enables
the aeration system installed in the holding tanks to maintain
the solid particles in suspension. This minimizes sludge
settling and build-up in the tanks.
(b) Protect the sewage transfer pumps against damage from large solid
objects and particularly from long stringy materials which could
foul or bind-up the impeller.
6.2 Ordering data.
6.2.1 Acquisition requirements.
Acquisition documents should specify the
Title, number, and date of this specification.
When first article is required (see 3.1).
Quantity and size (see 3.4,4).
Voltage and current if other than 440-volt, 3-phase, 60-Hz
alternating current (see 3.5.2).
(e) Levels of preservation and packing required (see 5.1).
(f) When preservation, packing, and marking data is not required
(see 5.1).
6.2.2 Data requirements.
When this specification is used in an acquisition
and data are required to be delivered, the data requirements identified below
shall be developed as specified by an approved Data Item Description (DD Form
1664) and delivered in accordance with the approved Contract Data Requirements
List (CDRL), incorporated into the contract. When the provisions of DoD FAR
Supplement, Part 27, Sub-Part 27.475-1 (DD Form 1423) are invoked and the DD Form
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