| ![]() MIL-S-2507A(USAF) Fungus resistance. If any material utilized in the construction of
the seat is suspected to be a nutrient to fungi, the material shall show no
deterioration when subjected to fungus test in accordance with Procedure I
Of MIL-E-5272. Salt spray. The salt spray test shall be conducted in accordance with
Procedure I of MIL-E-5272. When the seat is in an "as installed" condition. Sand and dust. The sand and dust test shall be conducted in
accordance With Procedure I of MIL-E-5272. Upon completion of the test,
the seat shall be examined and be capable of satisfactory operation. Sunshine. All the materials used in the construction of any
component or assembly which may be subjected to prolonged exposure to sun-
shine shall be carefully evaluated for and shall show no evidence of any
degrading affect from such exposure. Protection against sunlight shall be
provided, when required. Vibration. The seat shall be capable of satisfactory operation
after being subjected to the vibration test, Procedure XII of MIL-E-5272.
4.7 Preproduction testing.
4.7.1 Preproduction test sample tested by the contractor. The contractor
shall subject a sample crew seat to the preproduction test specified in
4.7.2 Preproduction test report. After the contractor completes the
preproduction tests, he shall prepare a preproduction test report according
to MIL-STD-831 and furnish three complete copies of the report to the
procuring activity.
4.7.3 Preproduction test sample for procuring activity. Along with the
preproduction test report, the contractor shall submit a sample to the
procuring activity who will use it.
For a review of the mechanical construction of the product.
b. To perform any tests, included in the specification, after
reviewing the contractor's test report.
4.7.4 Preproduction tests. Preproduction tests shall consist of all tests
described under 4.5 and 4.6.
4.8 Inspection of the preservation, packaging, packing and marking for
shipment and storage. Sample items or packs and the inspection of the pre-
servation, packaging, packing and marking for shipment and storage shall be
in accordance with the requirements of Section 5, or the documents specified
5.1 Preservation and packaging. Preservation and packaging shall be
Level A or C as specified (see 6.2).
5.1.1 Level A. Each seat shall be preserved and packaged Method III of
MIL-P-116 in a weather resistant unit container conforming to PPP-B-636.
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