| ![]() MIL-S-259180A(USAF)
3.5.3 Detailed design.- The detailed design requirements shall be specified
in a detail specification or drawing and shall include the application and brief
description of all the applicable data listed below. Where specific requirements of
this specification are not applicable, the detail specification shall so state.
3.5.4 Electrica1.- Electrical devices shall conform to the applicable
requirements of MIL-STD-704 and to the following requirements, when applicable.
3.504.1 Wire.- Internal electrical wire, other than windings, shall be In
accordance with MIL-W-5086. External wire shall be in accordance with MIL-W-5088. Connectors .- The electrical connectors shall be in accordance with
MIL-C-26482 or MIL-C-26500. The size and type of connectors shall be as specified
on the manufacturer's drawings. When necessary, leakproof connectors shall be
employed. Grounding. Each electrical connector used in the float switch shall
incorporate a ground return terminal. Circuits shall not be Internally grounded.
ng.- The inductive electrical loading of dc electri-
cal contacts during teat shall be provided through the use of an inductor in
accordance with AN3179. The inductive electrical loading of ac electrical contacts
during test shall be provided through the use of a power factor of 50 percent.
~ * - The float switch shall be constructed to withstand the
strains, jars, vibrations, and other conditions incident to shipping, storage,
Installation, and service use. Any parts having relative motion to other parts
shall be so constructed that binding, stickling, hanging, jamming, or other mal-
function under operating and test conditions shall be positively prevented.
All "O" rings shall conform to MIL-P-5315 and the dimen-
3.6.1 'O" rings
sional requirements of Ms29513.
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