| ![]() MIL-S-25980A(USAF)
3.6.2 Soldering. Soldering shall be adequately controlled to prevent
possibility of direct damage to adjacent electrical parts. Flux used shall not
induce corrosion.
3.7 Performance The float switch shall perform satiafaotorily when sub.
jected to the tests specified in 4.6.
3.8 Interchangeable AU parts having the came manufacturer's part
nnmber shall be functionally and dimensionally interchangeable. The drawing
number requirements of MIL-D-70327 shall govern changes In the manufacturers part
3.9 Threaded connections
3.9.1 Pipe threads.- Pipe threads shall not be used on float switches,
except for permanent closures. in which case the pipe threads shall conform to
39992 Screw threads. Screw threads shall conform to MIL-S-7742
3.9.3 Locking of parts.- All threaded parts shall be looked by safety wiring,
by all-metal self-locking nuts conforming to MIL-N-250Z7, cotter pins, or other
approved methods. Safety wire shall be installed h accordance with MS33540 and
shall conform to MS20995 , Self-locking nuts shall be used in accordance with MS33588.
However, self-looking nuts shall not be used without specific authorization of the
procuring activity where loosening or diaengagament of the self-looking nut could
result in the nut or other part entering the fuel system. The use of lock washer
or staking is not permitted.
3.9.4 Bosses and fitting ends.- Bosses and fitting ends shall conform to
AND10049, AND10050, and MS3656, as applicable.
310 Temperature range.---- The float switch shall operate over a fuel temperature
and ambient temperature range f rom -67 F to +158 F.
3.11 Pressure range.- The float switch shall operate over a pressure range
from 30 psi to a pressure equivalent to 80,000 feet altitude.
~ * - The float switch shall conform to the manufacturer's
drawings, l s approved by the procuring activity.
3.13 Color identification.- Each float switch shall be marked gloss red con-
forming to Federal Standard No. 595, color 11105. The marking shall consist of a
band 0.25 inch tide by 1 inch long on each aide or around the component, and a 45-
degree arc 0.25 inch wide on both aides of this component. The color shall be parma-
nent, and when applied to parts that may come in contact with fuel, the color shall
not soften, tip, crack, or cause the fuel to be affected in any way.
U . - Anodizing, plating other than cadmium or chromium and other
protective treatment of float switches shall be as specified in the model specifica-
tion and applicable detail drawings.
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