| ![]() MIL-S-25980A(USAF )
5.2 Marking of
shipments. In addition to any special marking required by
the contract or order, unit packages, intermediate packages, and shipping containers
shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
6.1 Intended use.- The aircraft fuel level float switch covered by this
specification is used for the purposes of controlling the operation of pumps, valves,
or actuating warning lights, buzzers, alarms, or other signalling devices, I t i s
intended to mount in or on aircraft fuel tanks using hydrocarbon fuel having an
ambient temperature range from -67 to
F and q pressure range from 30 pal to
a pressure equivalent to 80,000 feet altitude.
Ordering data.-
Procurement documents should specify:
number, and date of detail specification relating to
components to be furnished.
The requirements for q contractor's model
and preproduction sample (see 3.3 and 4.3.1 .
Number of units required for q preproduction test sample; where
the preproduction test samples should be sent; the activity
responsible for testing and instructions concerning the sumittal
o f the test reports (see 4.3.1).
Quantity required.
Applicable levels of preservation, packaging, and packing
( s e e 5.1).
If teat reports are to be submitted (see 3.17 and 4.3.1).
on the particular contract should be suspended until the samples sub-
mitted for preproduction tests are pronounced satisfactory by the procuring q etivlty.
When q contractor is in continuous production of these components from contract to
contrast, submit sion of further p reproduction samples on the subsequent contract s
may be waived at the discretion of the procuring activity. Approval of preproduo-
tion samples or the valving of preproduction tests does not preclude the require-
ments of q aaeptanoe testing.
6.3.1 It is understood that the component supplied under contract or order
will be identical with the corresponding preproduction q ample in design, construc-
tion, quality. material, workmanship, and method of manufacture. Evidences of
unauthorized change may consitute cause for rejection. Deviation from the prepro-
duction sample should be made only under q dvanoe approval by the procuring activity.
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