| ![]() MIL-S-3443G (AR)
ejecting an unfired shell from the chamber. After the trigger
has been pulled, the slide action shall be capable of being
pulled rearward without operating the unlocking device. The
slide and breech bolt shall reliably feed and chamber ammunition
regardless of whether the slide is operated rapidly or slowly and
regardless of weapon attitude.
3.10.6 Extractor. The extractor shall extract both fired
and loaded shells from the barrel chamber, regardless of whether
the slide is operated rapidly or slowly and regardless of the
weapon's position, i.e., pointed up or pointed down.
3.10.7 Ejector. The ejector shall eject both fired and
loaded shells completely out of the weapon when the slide is
operated with moderate to rapid speed regardless of the weapon's
3.10.8 Slinq. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2)
shotguns shall be equipped with a sling conforming to Drawing
12624561. .
3.10.9 Stock and fore-end - wooden.
Material. The stock and fore-end shall be of
walnut (black) or birch (yellow or sweet) . The grains shall be
straight and in the longitudinal direction of the stock. Slight
deviations in grain, small knots in the butt of the stock, slight
sap streaks, small checks and small cracks shall not be cause for
rejection provided they do not cause weakness, particularly in a
Small checks, cracks, and knotholes shall be
thin section.
filled with plastic fillers or other suitable material approved
Stocks shall be of solid construction
by the procuring agency.
except where otherwise necessary in inletting to the receiver.
The stock and fore-end shall have a Color.
nonbleeding color which shall be no lighter than color standard
11018988-W (walnut) or 11018988-B (birch), aS applicable (see
6.3). Black walnut sapwood and birch may be stained prior to the
protective finish treatment. protective finish. The stock and fore-end shall
be treated with raw linseed oil conforming to A-A-379, or other
suitable finish approved by the procuring agency.
3.10.10 Stock and fore-end - plastic. Stocks and fore-ends
shall be capable of meeting all performance requirements of
3.9.1. 3.9.2, 3.17.3, 3.17.5, 3.17.6 and 3.17.7 without adverse
plastic stocks shall have an in-fused black color.
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