| ![]() MIL-S-3443G (AR)
4.5.3 Testing. All ammununition for testing shall be
supplied by the contractor. Safety, trigger pull, hiqh-pressure resistance,
slide and breech bolt action, and functioning testing. Each
shotgun shall be tested for safety (see 3.10.3), trigger pull
(see 3.17.1), high-pressure resistance and headspace (see
3.17.2), slide and breech bolt action (see 3.10.5), and
functioning (see 3.17.3) in accordance with the test methods
Failure of a shotgun to
specified in 4.6.1, 4.6.2 and 4.6.3.
pass any of the tests shall be cause for rejection of the
shotgun. Targeting and accuracy (pattern) A sample of five
percent of the first production lot of shotguns (see 4.5.1) shall
be tested for targeting and accuracy (Pattern) using the test
method specified in 4.6.4. This test may be performed concur-
rently with the functioning test. If the first production lot of
shotguns meets all requirements of targeting and accuracy
(pattern), subsequent lots may be tested using five (5) shotguns
Failure of any shotgun to meet the requirement shall be
per lot.
cause for rejection of the represented lot subject to retest or
reconditioning and further test as a reconditioned lot. A retest
of a sample of 10 percent from the same lot may be made without
reconditioning the represented lot, unless in the opinion of the
Government representative the failure indicates serious defects
in the item, in which case retest shall be made only if
authorized by the procuring agency.
Failure of any shotgun in the retest to meet the requirement
shall be cause for rejection of the represented lot subject to
reconditioning and further testing as a reconditioned lot. Prior
to submission of a lot of shotguns as a reconditioned lot, the
cause of failure shall be determined and contractor correction
shall be effected on all shotguns in the lot. Sample size and
test method for reconditioned lots shall be the same as for
testinq. Lot acceptance. one shotgun selected from each
inspection lot, shall be tested for safety and endurance require-
ments (see 3.10.3, 3.10.5, 3.10.6, 3.10.7 and using the
test method specified in 4.6.5. Failure of the shotgun to meet
the requirements shall be cause for retest or rejection of the
represented lot. An endurance retest of two (2) shotguns from
the same lot may be allowed without reconditioning the lot,
unless in the opinion of the Government representative the
failure indicates serious defect in the item, in which case
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