| ![]() MIL-S-3443G (AR)
retest without reconditioning shall be allowed only if authorized
Failure in retest shall be cause for
by the procuring activity.
rejection of the retested lot subject to reconditioning and
further test as a reconditioned lot. An unserviceable part is
one that causes malfunction or impairs the safety of the weapon.
Malfunctions not attributable to the shotgun, as established by a
contractor failure analysis, and agreed to by the Government
representative, shall not be counted against the shotgun tested.
However, such malfunctions shall be recorded. Sample size and
test method for reconditioned lots shall be the same as for
retest. First article. Three shotguns shall be tested
for safety and endurance requirements (see 3.10.3, 3.10.4,
3.10.5, 3.10.6, 3.10.7 and using the test method
Failure of one or more of- the shotguns to
specified in 4.6.5.
meet the requirements shall be cause for rejection of the first
Definition of an unserviceable part and scoring of
malfunctions not attributable to the shotgun, are the same as
paragraph Interchangeability testing. A sample of ten
shotguns from each inspection lot shall be tested for inter-
changeability of repair parts using the test method specified in
Shotguns taken for interchangeability testing shall have
been found satisfactory in all other examinations and tests.
Hand refinement of parts will not be allowed. Failure of any
part of the interchange testing specified in 4.6.6 shall be cause
for retest or rejection of the represented lot. An interchange-
ability retest using 20 shotguns may be allowed without recon-
ditioning the lot of shotguns. Failure in the retest shall be
cause for rejection of the represented lot subject to recondi-
tioning and further test as a reconditioned lot. A sample of 20
shotguns from a reconditioned lot shall be tested using the same
procedure described above.
The supplier shall be responsible Certification.
for the testing necessary to accomplish certification. Unless
otherwise specified, the supplier shall provide the Government
representative with certified statements of compliance, certified
test report with applicable drawings, specifications and
standards for the following materials and processes for each
The certification provision of MIL-
inspection lot of shotguns.
W-63150 shall apply.
For each day's production from
Phosphate coatinq.
each protective finish processing tank for each type of part, the
contractor shall provide the Government representative with a
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