| ![]() MIL-S-464F(ME)
3.5 Interchangeability. All parts having the same manufacturer's part number
shall be functionally and dimensionally interchangeable The drawing number
requirements of DOD-STD-100 shall govern changes in the manufacturer's part
3.5.1 Common parts. Common hardware and fastening devices, such as bolts,
nuts, screws, and similar items, shall be held to a minimum number of types and
sizes and shall be threaded to the standards of FED-STD-H28.
3.6 Human factors engineering. The requirements described in MIL-STD-1472,
5.5 (labeling),5.7.7 (ladders), 5.4 (controls), 5.13.2 (safety labels and
placards), (edge rounding), (handrails, safety bars and
chains) shall be incorporated in the design of the spreader, as applicable The
spreader shall be designed such that 5th percentile female through 95th
percentile male soldiers (see MIL-STD-1472, 5.6 [anthropometry]) can operate and
maintain this item.
3.6.1 Design for maintainability. The spreader and its associated components
shall also be designed to incorporate MIL-STD-1472, 5.9 requirements, as
3.7 Performance. The spreader shall perform as specified herein when
attached. The spreader shall uniformly distribute each type and size of material
specified in table I when traveling in both the forward and reverse directions,
The maximum spread width shall not be less than 8 feet. Block-off plates 1 foot
in length shall be provided to reduce the width of spread from 8 feet to 4 feet
in increments of 1 foot. No part of the spreader, (with the exception specified
in 3.8), including the truck hitch, shall interfere with the operation of the
dump truck body, including the tailgate.
TABLE I. Percent passing each sieve by weight.
Col B
Col A
Crushed Stone
Gravel or Crushed Stone
1 inch
3/4 inch
1/2 inch
3/8 inch
No. 4
No. 8
No. 16
3.8 Receiving hopper. The hopper shall have a capacity of not less than 1
cubic yard and shall receive the material from the truck without loss or
spillage when the spreader is moving in forward and in reverse directions. The
hopper shall be constructed so that aggregate dumped into the hopper from the
dump truck will be fed by gravity to the feed roll and to the ground by the
revolving feed roll. During spreading operations with the truck body in a fully
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