| ![]() MIL-S-52986(ME)
flights shall be provided. The elevating mechanism shall provide for ease of
raising and lowering to aid in aircraft loading operations. Instructions for
raising, lowering, and maintaining the elevator shall be provided in the
technical publications.
3.19 Transportability. The scraper shall be capable of being transported by
surface, rail, ocean-going carriers, and C130, C141, and C5A aircraft. The
scraper shall withstand the impact forces encountered in air and rail shipments
without damage or permanent deformation. The scraper shall conform to
MIL-STD-669 for airdrop from C-130 aircraft and shall withstand stresses imposed
when tested in accordance with without breakage or permanent
deformation of any structural member or component, or loss of ability of the
scraper to perform all of its intended functions. When rigged for airdrop in
accordance with MIL-STD-669, the scraper shall meet the established tipoff
curves for C-130 and C-141 aircraft as defined in AFSC Design Handbook DHI-11.
The scraper shall be equipped with slinging provisions and shall be capable of
being lifted without damage using slings. The scraper shall be equipped with
tiedown provisions for transport by the above modes. Suspension and extraction
parachute provisions shall be provided for parachute delivery. Complete
diagrams and instructions for lifting the scraper and tying down thes scraper on
freight cars and truck trailers shall be furnished in the operator manual.
The operator's manual shall also include instructions for component removal when
required for transport. The contractor shall provide sufficient data to the
Government with the step I proposal to confirm that the scraper being supplied
can be loaded and transported in the C130, C141 and C5A aircraft. A steering
frame lock in accordance with SAE J276 shall be provided. Removal of ROPS and
other components to reduce overall height or width shall not prevent the scraper
3.19.1 Parachute suspension provisions. Four intergral suspension provisions
conforming to MIL-STD-814 shall be furnished on the scraper. The parachute
suspension provisions shall withstand the stresses in the amount and direction
of pull specified without weld failure or permanent deformation of the scraper
or the provision.
3.19.2 Slinging provisions. The scraper shall be provided with four slinging
Provisions conforming to MIL-STD-209. In addition, each section of the type II
scraper shall be provided with four slinging provisions conforming to
MIL-STD-209. The provisions shall enable the scraper to be lifted in the normal
traveling or operating position. Provisions shall-be positioned so that the
lifting strain shall be in line with the longitudinal axis of the eye of the
provision. Provisions shall be fastened to members which will withstand
stresses in the amount and direction of pull specified for the provision without
weld failure or permanent deformation of the scraper or the provisions.
Parachute suspension provisions may be used as slinging provisions if they meet
the requirements of MIL-STD-209.
3.19.3 Tiedown provisions. The scraper shall be provided with integral
Provisions to permit tiedown of the scraper to the floor Or deck Of the tranPor-
tation medium or the airdrop platform. The tiedown provisions shall conform to
MIL-STD-209 and MIL-STD-814 and shall withstand stresses in the amount and
direction of pull specified without weld failure or permanent deformation of the
scraper or the provision.
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